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Solitary Confinement

Last night I watched the above documentary on Solitary Confinement and the psychological effects on inmates. Firstly let me just state that previous to watching this video I used to think the inmates deserved to be treated as inanimate objects especially if they've done a heinous crime such as murder, rape or child abuse. I have now changed my viewpoint to believe that they deserve to be treated better especially when it comes to solitary confinement.  The inmate that touched my heart is the man that was imprisoned for TWELVE YEARS for stealing computers. He was a nonviolent prisoner for his first ten years but now that he is getting agitated by being locked down for 23 hours a day and only let out for 1 hour to exercise he has started to act out, because of this he has been punished by receiving MORE time to his original 12 years. Currently he has 96 more YEARS to serve. He will not be eligible for parole until he is in his 80's. Isn't that sad? For stealing computer parts, really! How is this legal? Other countries have LONG AGO abandoned the technique of solitary confinement as it has been proven to make criminals more violent and or cause psychological trauma. The ones that are able to be released get put back into the public population with us regular folks and are ticking time bombs. You don't want to look at them the wrong way because it would be lights OUT for you. They lose the ability to think logically and rationally after pacing back and forth in a 8x10 cell with a 23 hour lock down. Can you imagine? I can't. There aren't enough books on earth. 

Most humans need touch and interaction with others. It is our natural instinct to want to socialize and people who do not enjoy the company of others separate themselves willingly. If you were left to be alone for years at a time the feeling of loneliness can be equated to pain and this could literally drive you insane. Some of the inmates complained of paranoia and being uncomfortable around people once released. 

My question is do you believe this practice of solitary confinement should be used to house hardened criminals? What could we be doing as a country to ensure we are not being cruel to inmates who may not need this type of punishment? Thoughts are welcomed ☺